
“for people to create, share, and test designs for websites, mobile apps, and other digital products and experiences.”

- Figma


VCU Provost Office | Chief Technology Officer

Click to watch the hype video I filmed and produced for our presentation.


Project Background:

My team inherited a project from an undergraduate capstone class aimed at addressing the needs of freshmen and transfer students for a stronger sense of belonging and connection to campus opportunities. The undergraduate team had developed a proposal, and our task was to bring it closer to reality.

Key Tasks:

  • Collaborate with the undergraduate team for clarification and conduct an environmental scan of VCU’s existing resources and third-party platforms.

  • Create mockups based on research, test with end-users, gather feedback, and develop a clickable, high-fidelity prototype.

  • Explore the potential for AI and machine learning to enhance the app, and determine the resources required for full development.


As the CTO, I was responsible for creating a working prototype using Figma. After ideating key features, I developed a quick wireframe and worked with the team on user testing to gather feedback. Based on this, I made iterative improvements before finalizing a high-fidelity prototype.


We created an in-depth proposal, which we presented to the VCU Provost's Office and associated departments. The project was greenlit to continue, and my team was able to hand it off to the development team.



European Innovation Academy Startup | Chief Technology Officer


As CTO, I was responsible for developing the Figma prototype and landing page for our product prototype, ensuring both the design and functionality aligned with our vision and goals for the project.


Class Example

App Prototype used to teach Figma Introduction Course


I created a simple app designed to help students learn the basic fundamentals and capabilities of Figma, providing an interactive platform to follow along and develop their design skills.


Adobe Suite